Opera News Hub( How to make money online in Nigeria)

Opera News hub

 Ultimate Guide On How To Make Money Online As A Student In Nigeria(Opera News Hub)

Are you a student, stay at home mum, or a business person looking for a side hustle to make money online. 

Look no further because in this article we will be explaining in details how you can use the Opera News Hub platform to make passive income for yourself. 

Do you know how you make that simple Facebook, Instagram post about trending topics in your area.

Yeah (Amebo and Aproko things) yeah do you know you can now do that Aproko to make money online. 

Now follow us through on this journey as we explore into the business behind the Opera News Hub platform and how you can benefit from it. 

What is Opera News Hub

Opera News Hub is a platform similar to Google News and we will be covering topic about Google news in our upcoming content so make sure to follow our blog.

Opera news hub is a free and open online platform where everyone and anyone can post articles sharing their opinions and thoughts. You can write any sort of intriguing content on Opera news hub. 

Opera news hub was launched in Nigeria in October 2019 after which it was also launched in Ghana around April 2020. It has gained over 350 million users worldwide as it is connected to its mini browser and news feed. 

Opera news hub is also an online platform that can be used to generate monthly income legitimately.So if you're looking for a side hustle, check out this platform!

How do you earn from Opera News Hub?

On Opera News Hub, you're paid every month, particularly on the 15th of each month. In this case,all the earnings from July are paid on the 15th of August,the earnings of August are paid on the 15th of September and so on. To get paid on Opera News Hub,certain steps have to be taken and certain things are required of you.

Some of the things required of you includes;

✅ A Smartphone or a Laptop : this are the devices you'll be using to gain access into the platform. Any of the both could be used to gain access so now it's up to you to decide which is better for you.

✅Data subscription :Is it even possible to have a Smartphone without having data subscription for online activities? This is a very crucial part in your walk towards the use of Opera News Hub. It helps you gain access to the Internet and helps you deliver your articles too.

✅ Being able to write an article: You don't have to be a pro to write an article but you should at least have an idea of what an article entails.You should be able to write intriguing articles and not irrelevant articles.

✅An Opera News Hub account : You can't publish articles without an Opera News Hub account. Therefore, you'll have to create one for yourself.


✅An Opay account : this is what you'll be using to cash out or get your pay. 

How are your earnings calculated?

For every 10,000 clicks, Opera News Hub will pay you N365. or N0.0365 for every click.

As an illustration, if you wrote a post and it received around 480,000 clicks, your payment would be computed as follows: 480,000 * 0.0365 = 17,520.0

Consequently, you will receive N17,520 for the single article you published that received 480,000 clicks.

In Order to earn effectively from the platform, you'll have to be consistent and abide by their rules.

Benefits of Opera News Hub 

✅ It serves as a source of side income 

✅It lets you run a blog at zero cost

✅It improves your writing skills 

We have a E-book where we have put together how to be successful with this business model and make 250,000 naira a month by using the power of social media and advertising. To have access to this ebook kindly drop a comment of the word "Ebook" and we will reply you.

Follow us on socials.. and let us know what you think about Opera News Hub in the comment section. 

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